Behind Magnificat Prints
My name is Maria, and I’m the creator and artist behind Magnificat Prints.
Luke Chapter 1 is one of my favorite gospel chapters to meditate on. After Mary of Nazareth gives her fiat, all that is said is: “And the angel left her.” There are a lot of ‘historical’ gaps in the lives of Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, but their hidden life is rich for reflection.
I wanted to create art that gives natural and realistic expressions to the Holy Family. My favorite paintings in the gallery are the portraits of Jesus with a kind smile, Mary with a humorous look, Joseph with a wide grin. Jesus, along with his mother and foster father, lived the human life that every human lives. They laughed, they cried, they suffered discomfort, and they lived for God.
I hope you find a painting that resonates with you and will help you meditate on the life of Christ and the love of the Father.
I am off social media, so if you’d like new painting updates and the occasional sale, please consider signing up for my email newsletter under the “Painting Updates” tab!
I’ll be praying for your intentions. Thank you for visiting!